Buyers search and browse a combined inventory of 2,096,300 parts and over 3,000 vehicles for sale.
We currently feature over $1.454 billion in inventory.
First, heavy truck salvage yards across the U.S. and Canada upload their used, OEM, and aftermarket inventory listings to us.
Next, we list their parts on this site, HeavyTruckParts.Net.
Then, you search through the inventory using our very handy search engine.
When you find the part you're looking for in our database, you'll see the phone and email of the yard that has it!
You contact them, buy the part from them, and get it shipped straight to you!
If you don't find the part you need, you can fill out a part request which we email to the 145 yards listing their parts for sale on HeavyTruckParts.Net.
Sign up to sell parts through HeavyTruckParts.Net and get ITrack Chromium for free!